Meal Plan

1. Breakfast 
2. Lunch
3. Snacks
4. Dinner

Food Offered in the hostel

1. Morning :- Tea served with light breakfast which may include Bread, Biscuits, Doughnut, Puff ETC.
2. Lunch :- Rice – lentin gravy, Pickle curry, Green vegetable ETC.
3. Snacks :- Everyday light snacks will be provided which may include Momo, Pakoda, Chowmin, Puricurry, Noodles, Halwa, Chana+bhujiya, Fried rice, Chatpate, Popcorn ETC
4. Dinner :- Supper : Delicious healthy and balance diet will be provided (Rice, Lentin gravy, Pickle curry, Green Vegetables)
5. Meat :- Two times a week, Chicken curry, Three times egg curry.

# For vegetarians milk or curd or Mushroom or Panner ETC will be provided.